Sunday, May 20, 2007

One Down, Three to Go!!

I am officially 25% done with my wedding extravanganza. This wedding was probably the most hilarious though. I love Lemar and Emily so this is completely out of pure fun and complete honesty but everyone has to know. When Lemar was saying he vows he said, "I Lemar take thee Emily to be my awful wife." The entire church started laughing for at least one full minute!! The best thing is that the ceremony is videoed so he will never ever live this one down. Cory is currently working on his second post and told me he got tacked by three large men. He loves his job! I head out for Denver on Wednesday where the second wedding starts. Please pray for Cory and I while we are apart, because it sucks! But God is awesome and I love seeing all of our friends! Look here for wedding number 2 info. However, I don't think any story from that one will be nearly as funny!

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