Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Is that your final answer?

So, Cory received orders yesterday to report to Korea no later than 10 February 2010unaccompanied for 12 months. You just read the previous line correctly.

Many of you know that we have been praying and discussing for quite some time leaving the military for a career in the civilian police force, hopefully Austin, TX. When Cory's orders dropped, he had until the end of the day to make the decision final: deny the orders and thus tell his command he is separating in December of 2010 or accept the orders to Korea and leave for 12 months when Adley at most 6 weeks old. Long story short, the only reason Cory contemplated staying in the Air Force was the financial security net it provides as he does not have a job offer yet because we are 15 month from actually separating. Therefore, after counsel from wise mentors of ours, friends, family, and where we believe God has been leading us for some time,Cory has told his command to deny the Korea orders as we are separating in December of 2010.

Awesome thing about this entire situation: I was already planning on going to work at 11:30 instead of 8:00 and thus Cory could come home and we could talk and pray before making our final answer. And so, please pray for us as we embark on the unknown. Our largest fear is no job offer yet, but we know full well that God provides and has never let us down. Specific prayers: Cory interviews for the Austin Police Department in February. We want this job and would love to be in Texas for the heat, the culture, and the family. However, we also wants God's will, so please pray for that. The options are limitless now. So exciting!

And by the way: did anyone see the Broncos record? We are one of four teams still undefeated!! 6-0 BABY!!


Katie Glathar said...

Praying for you.

Cortney said...

Wow! Nothing like God giving you a clear answer! This 3 months of Jesse being gone has been torture and i'm barely finishing my 1st month! Our "team" (family) isn't doing well without their coach! I can't imagine an entire year!

I do believe that the US Marshalls are hiring (go Feds!) if he is interested. My little bro is trying to get on with them, plus I think Cory would have veterans preference. (www.usajobs.com)

Talk to you later! Cortney

Anthony said...

Wait, I don't understand...

Texas has culture?

(But, what a rush, throwing yourselves entirely onto God's mercy! Though, it's nice when He just smacks you upside the head with a clear answer now and again, right?)

kjd said...

I am so proud of you and Cory. When we spoke at Erin's wedding, I knew that you two were asking God for wisdom and seeking His guidance. Isn't it amazing to see His response? We will be praying for you as you jump into the unknown. I can promise this... it is worth it. It is absolutely worth it to give up financial security to follow God's path. I love you and Cory and will be praying faithfully.

Unknown said...

Wow - what big news and big decisions! You know God wil provide - you are right about that! So will you be in Montana until 12/10 now? Also, so excited as the time for Adley's arrival nears. I only wish I could see you in person - need some maternity pictures! :)

I agree with all of your thoughts and comments on the Broncos - I guess the ugly uniforms are lucky uniforms!


Wendra said...

I love you Kendi!
I love you Cory!
I love you Adley!!!

D + M + B2 said...

Oh, wow! I'm so sorry you had to make that decision earlier than you expected. The Air Force can be sucky sometimes, huh? Well, I admire your attitudes and faith in the whole matter. At least we know we have a sovereign God who works all things together for YOU! Keep the faith....