Friday, September 18, 2009

Now Reading...

So my fantastic friends, John and Ellen Mayer, told me about this book. I was going to try and buy it but before I got the change, John bought and gave it to me. Did I tell you how super awesome the Mayers the are???

Anyway, I have updated what I am currently reading because I finished the Francine Rivers series forever ago but couldn't decide what to read next. Non-fiction is not usually my choice, but after just one chapter, I am pleasantly suprised with this book. Now, remember only one chapter read thus far, but super excited to read future ones.

Highlights of Chapter 1:
1. We overpraise our children in order to build self-esteem and the reality is we are creating children that don't take risks for fear of failure.
2. Example: Telling a child they are smart no creates an image the child has to live up to and the child believes she has no control of the ability. Herego, when given choices to challenge herself, or appear smart, she choices the easier, non-risk taking way to appear smart.
3. Best suggestion for praise is to praise specifically. ie: The way you worked through and processed that math problem was excellent! The way you were looking to pass the ball to your teammates was great!

I definitely don't do the chapter justice, but I suggest the read!


Cortney said...

Oh, I am so glad you put that up! I was going to ask Ellen, but always forget! I will be looking for it

Cristen said...

I heard that this was a good book. The author was interviewed on Good Morning America a few weeks ago and he peeked my intrest..I hope that you enjoy it.. oh and I wanted to let you know that Nine Months and Company is haveing a 50% off sale this weekend on spring and summer fashions.

Anonymous said...

Ummmm well...have we told you lately how wonderful you Knops are?!!!


Ann said...

You are such a great teacher. Haha....good thing you are starting early.