Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Magician's Nephew

Odd title for a blog yes, but not so odd if you realize it is the first novel in the Chronicles of Narnia. To ward off any arguments, The Magician's Nephew is simply written to be placed first in the series, though it is the last one C.S. Lewis wrote.

When I read these books before, I flew through them not truly reading for any sort of detail. I knew that you could read them separate from each other without missing too much. I am so stoked to now see how the connections from The Magician's Nephew to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. As many may not have read the books but seen the movie, did you ever wonder where the wardrobe came from. I can't believe I didn't remember it! Digory, the young boy in Magician's Nephew, planted an apple core from Narnia at home in his world where it grew into a tree. Decades later, a storm came and blew the tree over. Because Digory knew about the tree and was attached to it, he decided to make a piece of furniture from the wood. That piece of furniture was none other than the wardrobe that Lucy will find at the beginning of the classic The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

Those of you who knew that, sorry if this seems stupid. I just love realizing how altered childhood memories can become. My first impression reading the series was great! Now, they are still great!

Stay tuned for anything about The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I will be reading this series for a bit as it is 7 books, though smaller. And while good, it still is not quite the page turner Twilight was! You knew I had to mention that somewhere!


Cassie and Chris said...

I was going to start reading the Chronicles of Narnia to Malachi at night. Now I'm really looking forward to it.

Cortney said...

L O V E CofN!!! Started reading it with Colton a while back, but got side-tracked. Can't wait for the Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie, it is my favorite book in the series!

Anne said...

I'm reading The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe...In really I'm reading El Leon, La Bruja, y El Ropero. It's still just as good :)

mdlycan said...

You're funny! I just ordered the Chronicles of Narnia through a book order at school... gotta love Scholastic! :-) Anyway, I'm excited to read them again. I'll think I'll appreciate them more as an adult.
And guess what, I started Twlight yesterday during our layover at DIA. I love it so far, but I only brought the first because I didn't think I'd get to the 2nd one. I guess I misjudged myself. It's GREAT! And, I subbed for a 6th grade class all week... one of the girls is on Breaking Dawn for the 17th time... yes, that's right. I clarified over and over, and she's read the series 17 times?!?!? Wow.