Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Currently Reading...

So I have started the 2nd book in Francine Rivers' Mark of the Lion series. Please do not let the images the covers of the books deter you from the read. While they look incredibly feminine, please know that it is completely and utterly worth the read. This is the 3rd or 4th time I have re-read the series. To put that into perspective, I have read it more times than Twilight.

The series has oodles have inspiration about serving and trusting God in the even lowliest of circumstances. You leave refreshed and enthused for the Hadassah's heart.



mdlycan said...

Hmmm... I'll have to check it out! Have you read The Host by Stephanie Meyer??? We bought it and David read it... it's way different from Twilight, so I can't get it to it! But, I was just wondering what you though about it... if you've read it.

Karen said...

The "Mark of the Lion" series was amazing! I read all 3 right in a row--could hardly put them down.