Monday, July 30, 2007

The Things Wives Do When Husbands Are Gone!

Well, if you are me, you get 15 stitches in your right shin! That is right, 15 stitches! I was at the base swimming pool with a group of friends from our church, and they wanted to see me dive. if you don't know, I was a gymnast for 11 years and then a diver in high school, so I actually can do some pretty cool stuff. Well, I was there less than five minutes and on the third trip to the diving board, it decided it did not like me. I was standing with my back toward the pool getting ready to do a back flip with one and half twists. Well, I started to jump but before I could, my toes slipped off the board and i was in the water before I knew what was going on. I knew I hit my shin, but it felt like it was just a scrap and good bruise. Then I started swimming toward the edge of the pool and something felt weird. I looked down and saw a hole in my leg and lots of blood I got carried out to the car and rushed to the ER! The pain was ridiculously minimal for such a cut! Well, 2 hours later, I have 15 stitches in my shin!!

Also, I hate Tricare and Walgreens! (Sorry Kelly!) I needed to pick up an antibiotic, and of course the base clinic is no open at anytime in which you actually need it! So at 11:30 I go to pick up my prescription at Walgreens, and the pharmacist told me the insurance did not go through. So, she calls the 3rd party pharmacy assistance guy hired by Tricare, and he said neither Cory or I existed in the database. With that said, both the guy on the phone and the pharmacist stated treating me like I was lying and trying to get something I was not entitled too! Go figure! Well, I left quite angry and then 8 hours later, I was woken up by a phone call from that same pharmacist. She said that Tricare people came after me and their insurance was not going through either. So she ran mine again, and voila, it worked! Her tone had definitely changed after she saw I was qualified!

Of course all of this happens when my husband is gone!


Anonymous said...

Dang that stinks! The military is so organized - I don't miss the healthcare woes at all.

Anonymous said...

praying for your healing. and for certain folk to have to go through "the system" ;-)

Kelly Newcom said...

Here's the thing:
We deal with people in your same situation over and over again (in my case probably 100x per DAY). We have to become jaded. If we empathize with you (which internally we do) then you (the customer) expect us to magically give you the medication.
Work in retail sometime and see how easy it is deal with the public 24/7 (who is sick, just waited long hours at a md office/ER and now just wants to get home without spending more money!) and then tell me how you feel :)

Anonymous said...

Only my sister is capable of this kind of ridiculousness. Kendra, just once could you visit the EMergency room without having collided with some inanimate object? :)