Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Long time no post...

It is has been a little while and for that I apologize. Since returning from Texas, I have returned to work Monday through Thursday 1:30-5:00. I get to bring Adley with me until she is 6 months old. Then, my wonderful friend, whom all the Knops just love, will take care of her. Thanks Aunt Ellen!

Work has been nice as it gives us a schedule everyday. I love schedule.

Cory's interview went great and Austin wants him so we are not applying anywhere else. It isn't 100 percent yet due to process, but Cory and I feel peace about it and are still trusting.

Adley is sleeping great at night and we are working on consistent naps. She is more of a cat napper so I am working to keep her awake longer before going down for nap. Pray for her dry scalp here. Montana weather is not helping her out and when we were in Texas, her head was completely clear.

And just a quick pic for everyone...